Photographing the bottom of the rivers.
A Clear Ripple: This is the first image of the bottom of the river and the start of the Serenity Series. I capture the light hitting the water and use the river’s bottom as background. In retrospect, this is the first image I captured acknowledging my depression.
From the Edge of the River: The way I use light to reveal the riverbed brings out the physical details of the scene and evokes a deeper emotional and philosophical layer. It’s as if I am capturing a moment of insight or revelation, where the complexities of life become clearer. This approach enhances the visual appeal of my work and resonates with the theme of introspection and personal growth.
My Dream: I reflect on how dealing with conflict can lead to dark moments in life, but I need to emphasize the importance of keeping faith and hope, even when things are unclear. I believe that maintaining faith in oneself, along with dreams and hope, helps a person move forward. I see a dream as something that is as simple as improving in one aspect of life. It’s true that even small dreams and aspirations provide the motivation to keep going, especially during challenging times.