Art, Business, and Persistence: Thriving in an Unpredictable Decade
Art, Business, and Persistence: Thriving in an Unpredictable Decade
In 2014, I made the life-altering decision to leave The Great Frame Up. It was a decision that should have been made long ago, but fear and a constrained worldview kept me tethered to a situation that no longer served me. Circumstances eventually forced me to confront the reflection in the mirror: a man who had become more mule than visionary. It was a pivotal moment that propelled me into a new chapter of life—one marked by both growth and challenge.
Now, at the end of 2024, I find myself looking back on a decade of accomplishments, while standing on the edge, moving at what feels like 150 miles per hour without pause. Despite the changes I’ve made, I struggle to slow down. Like so many others, the uncertainties of life have impacted my financial footing. I’ve made my share of mistakes, and I’ve also found direction, navigating from dreams to scams, through the pandemic, and toward an uncertain future. The question of where I’ll be in another ten years looms large.
After a devastating scam, I shifted my focus to establishing my art installation services. When COVID-19 struck, I was in a unique position where my work didn’t stop entirely. Income continued to flow, and I was grateful, however, I failed to pause and analyze my trajectory. Post-pandemic, my fine art photography experienced a boom, eventually leveling off into a stage where I could expect consistent results. Yet I often wonder: Is this stability an illusion, or is it sustainable?
The work of art installations has connected me with fascinating individuals who have profoundly influenced my perspective. These interactions often highlight the importance of mentorship for young people, though I’ve come to realize that success hinges more on hope and perseverance than on external guidance. While I’ve found success in installations, I’ve begun questioning my approach to art fairs. Many ask why I limit myself to installations, a job rather than my passion, and this question has driven me to reassess my artistic goals.
When it comes to improving my outreach, the obvious strategy is seeking advice from fellow artists at fairs. However, my biggest influence had come from talking to my art installation clients. Some of a client’s insightful comments are: “Even if you didn’t vote for the person in office, you want them to succeed because if they fail, we all fail. We’re all in the same boat.” This sentiment resonates deeply, underscoring the interconnectedness of our journeys. “Our economic system forces to earn more each year because the cost of living keeps going up, Only compete against yourself, be a better person and not let greed take over you. Another comment was to stay on budget, debt-free and purchase with cash on hand.
Despite these challenges, several questions persist for me. I’ve considered strategies for addressing these questions. For instance, creating a services guide showcasing my installation work and a portfolio of my fine art photography to bridge the gap between my job and my passion. Including a small, complimentary print that leaves a lasting impression on potential clients. Expand my network Partnering with reputable galleries and agents may provide the exposure and connections I need, while licensing opportunities open new revenue streams and expand my audience.
However, these strategies require more than just logistical planning; they demand a shift in mindset. As the saying goes, “If you want to have money, surround yourself with those who have money.” Reflecting on my journey, I’ve found that persistence and adaptability are the keys to growth. Success is never guaranteed, and there is no secret formula. Instead, it’s about creating work that resonates, building meaningful connections, and continually evolving. While I’ve had years where smaller works outsold larger ones, and others where the opposite was true, the constant has been my commitment to producing art that sets me apart.
Looking ahead, I’m reminded that nothing in this life is truly broken; it simply evolves. My aim is to keep creating, pushing limits, and staying true to my vision. As I navigate this complex world of art and commerce, I know the key to sustaining my career lies not in chasing illusions but in forging authentic connections and staying grounded in the work I love.
The next ten years remain uncertain, but I’m ready to embrace them with open arms. Whether through installations, fine art, or new ventures yet to be imagined, I’m committed to shaping a future where my creativity thrives.